Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Four month milestone

Today is four months since my surgery. Let us celebrate with some awesome quick hits.

-I had my last physical therapy appointment, yesterday. All on my own for the last bit, now.

-I have been officially cleared to return to playing Ultimate. I'll be back on the fields before the end of the month (Spring League & Fools Fest!)

-My range of motion and strength was tested, and they both improved greatly since my three month follow-up. I'm at nearly 100% of 'normal' ROM, and my strength is good or better in all planes of motion, though my external rotation is still the weakest of all.

What it all means is a lot of the questions marks are gone. I'm lifting heavy in all non-shoulder lifts, though still progressing to gain back the atrophied muscle on my right arm side. I'm in pretty good cardio shape, as I've been running/training since just before the New Year. Still the question remains if my throwing mechanics will be negatively impacted long-term, but given what I'm able to do these days, I'm much less concerned about this.

I still have about two months of hard at-home rehab to do to smooth out the edges of my motion, flexibility, and most importantly my strength, but I anticipate that by the time the calendar hits May 1, I'll be as good as new. FWIW, the average 'full-strength' recovery time for this procedure at my level of damage is closer to one year.
