Thursday, November 6, 2014

Rehab day 1

Just 48 hours ago I was getting home from my shoulder surgery. I spent most of the past two days doing as little as possible and taking pain pills. Today, my routine changed, which welcomed, yet excruciating.

Physical therapy was less than 20 minutes, but it was very demanding. When I first met with the therapist we went over the details of my injury and surgery. She then watched as I removed my sling, making sure I was capable of safely performing this task on my own. Next she took two painful measurements as I was laying down. 1) Extension/lifting of the straight arm from the side, in the direction of the head. Full range of motion is 180 degrees leaving the arm outstretched above the head. I made it to 25 degrees. 2) The far more painful rotation, which was the lateral raise away from the side. Verdict? Intolerable pain at 7 degrees. Damn.

We did one exercise, the pendulum. I was so incredibly stiff while attempting my first unassisted motion post-surgery. It's hard to believe I was throwing 60 yard hucks in the wind just this past weekend. I'll continue to work on pendulum 3x a day until Monday, my next appointment. The good news is the therapist is saying my three month timeline is absolutely within reach if I work hard.

I came home to start this update after rehab, but only made it two sentences before I fell into a two-hour nap. My body is beat and I can feel it. On the plus side I am getting the rest I need, I don't go back to work until Monday, and Sarah helped me take my first shower, today!

Time to start getting that strength back! Do work!

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