Wednesday, October 29, 2014

So I set up this blog...

Hi. I'm Peter, but most people call me School. I am an amateur athlete, although given my history of injury, it feels far from an amateur pursuit. I've never considered myself very genetically gifted when it comes to athletics, but I am smart, determined, and stubborn. Because of my hard work I've found myself playing the sport I love at a fairly high level, but I haven't yet reached the highest plane I hope to achieve in this great sport.

In the following pages I am going to document my experiences and strategies to deal with what now appears to be a rather serious shoulder injury. I’ll accompany my entries, here, along with the occasional video log on my YouTube channel, as well. I’ll note where those corresponding video entries match up with my text.

I hope that this blog becomes both a release for me, as I experience what will certainly be a very trying experience for me, and also a tool for others in the future who will go through the same motions, some day.

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